This article discusses dental phobia and how it can be addressed with sedation using medications that affect the central nervous system.
What do tooth extractions, root canals and dental implants have in common? Yes, they’re all Chicago dental procedures, but they also all share a reputation for being incredibly uncomfortable and painful. There’s no way around it; having a tooth pulled or drilled into will never be a pleasant experience, but dentistry has changed quite dramatically over the past 10 years. “What used to require many drug-addled days in recovery now only takes an hour of your time in the dentist’s chair and a good night’s sleep to get over,” explains the implant dentist in Chicago. “With the benefit of modern pain-control methods and sedation, there really is no need to feel even the slightest anxiety.”
About Chicago Dental Sedation

The implant dentist in Chicago has seen it all: some patients will have sweaty palms and a mildly elevated heart rate, while others get physically ill with terror at the prospect of undergoing a Chicago dental procedure. Now, there really is no need to avoid those essential check-ups and treatments. Let’s talk about sedation dentistry…
A phobia of the dentist is remarkably common. Many patients experience difficulty of some kind when they go for an appointment with a Chicago dental professional, whether it’s anxiety, sheer terror or even an uncontrollable gag reflex. So, what can sedation dentistry do for you?
“Intravenous sedation involves the administration of medication directly into the bloodstream,” explains the implant dentist in Chicago. “This medication very safely affects the central nervous system, gently putting patients to sleep while your Chicago dental professional carries out the treatment necessary to get your oral health back on track.”
What this essentially means is that you sleep through the procedure, thus eliminating any stress, anxiety or fear. Imagine going on a 15-hour flight. Wouldn’t it be nice to eat your dinner, watch a movie and then fall asleep and wake up at your destination? Well, that’s what Chicago dental sedation is all about! It’s about waking up at your destination minus all the discomfort!
Sedation is especially useful for more invasive procedures, such as dental implant surgery or wisdom teeth extraction. Chicago dental professionals also offer oral sedation, which doesn’t put you to sleep: it relaxes you completely. “While a patient will be awake during the procedure and will be able to answer questions coherently, they won’t remember much at all,” says the implant dentist in Chicago. “This is a great solution for patients who suffer from an uncontrollable gag reflex or a terrible fear of the dentist. Most patients describe their Chicago dental experience as being in a dream-like state; feeling detached from reality. They feel calm and totally free from fear.”

If you’re worried about Chicago dental sedation itself, don’t be. The medications used are very safe and are easily metabolized by your body, meaning you won’t wake up with sedation ‘hang-over.’ “Most patients wake-up feeling slightly groggy and will need someone to drive them home,” explains the implant dentist in Chicago. “But after a good night’s rest, you’ll feel 100% fine in the morning.”
Your Take-Home Message on Chicago Dental Treatment
“There are many reasons why patients feel some kind of anxiety, fear or discomfort at the prospect of some near-stranger poking around in their mouths,” says the implant dentist in Chicago. “Some of these cases stem from personal bad experiences, but the majority are irrational and perpetuated by the stories heard via the grape vine.”
If you suffer from dental phobia, the most important thing you need to focus on is receiving regular attention from a Chicago dental professional. You should never avoid those twice-yearly appointments because you are afraid. With the availability of sedation and anesthesia, modern Chicago dental procedures have been rendered pain and anxiety-free. This enables you to receive the attention you need to keep your teeth and gums in a perfect, healthy condition.
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