Friday, June 27, 2014

7 Habits That Can Rob You of Your Beautiful Smile

Knowingly or unknowingly, most of us do a lot of things that are not good for our teeth and our smile. If you want to preserve your beautiful teeth and smile for the long term, avoid these deadly habits as they can ruin your smile completely. 

1. Grinding teeth-Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, can spoil your teeth over time. Often people who suffer from stress or have poor sleeping habits have this problem. To overcome this habit, wear a night guard while sleeping. You can practice stress management and relaxation techniques to give up the habit of teeth grinding. 

2. Drinking excess soda -Soda contains very high amount of sugar. Sugar is the main culprit for promoting tooth decay. Soda also contains phosphoric acid and citric acid which eat away the tooth enamel. 

3. Drink sports drinks and fruits juices-If you have the habit of consuming sports drinks or fruit juices after a work-out or throughout the day, give up this habit as these drinks are high in sugar. The sugar can make an acid attack on the enamel of your teeth and cause tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss eventually. If you do not wish to go for Allon Four Dental Implants Chicago or other tooth replacement treatments, it is advisable to drink water as it will keep you hydrated all day long. 

4. Opening bottles and other stuff with your teeth-If you use your teeth to open bottles etc., you are increasing your risk of tooth loss. Use your teeth only for eating. For everything else, make use of appropriate tools. 

5. Frequent snacking -Constant snacking leaves food bits in your mouth for hours, making them vulnerable to plaque build-up and growth of tartar on your teeth. Avoid snacking constantly. If you should, eat healthy snacks that are low in sugar and salt. 

6. Smoking-Cigarette smoking causes yellowing of teeth and makes them fall out due to gum disease. Think how your smile would look if you have those ugly gaps in between your teeth? 

7. Not wearing sports guards -Whether you play hockey, football or any other sport, make sure you wear a mouth guard. Without it, your teeth can get knocked out or chipped. Buy a good quality mouth guard to protect your precious teeth before you get onto the field. 

Improve your smile with all on four implants
Millions of Americans suffer from tooth loss. Dental implants are the solution for getting back your cherished smile. Dental implants are made of titanium and provide a strong foundation for a permanent, artificial tooth or crown. Know that dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. They promise comfort, make eating easier and pain-free, aid in speaking clearly, and are long lasting and durable. If you have lost your teeth due to gum disease, or injury or tooth decay, you can get a Chicago Dental Implants to get back your beautiful smile.

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