Thursday, June 27, 2013

Toothache? According to New Teeth Implant Experts in Chicago, Your Teeth Are Trying to Tell You Something!

In this article we look at toothaches, what it means, what causes it and how can it be treated. We also identify healthy habits that protect your teeth from developing weaknesses and ailments.

For some reason, many people tend to ignore toothache hoping that it will simply go away. Our mouths and bodies have an incredible way of being able to tell us when there is something wrong and that we need to do something about it. By ignoring a problem when it arises, you are simply delaying the inevitable and allowing situations to progress to a far worse state than necessary. A New Teeth Implant Specialist in Chicago tells us that a toothache is almost always a sign that you are in need of dental assistance.

In this article we will be answering a few questions related to toothaches and inform you as to why this is a warning sign for a variety of possible oral inflictions. If you are experiencing a toothache, you may be presenting with any one of the following oral problems: infected gums, fractures or broken teeth, damaged fillings or crowns, severe tooth decay, an abscessed tooth or bruxism (grinding of the teeth). All of these conditions can lead to far more serious damage to your oral health which is why it is important to see your dentist as soon as you feel that ache!

How Do I Identify a Toothache?

All On 4 Dental Implants Chicago

It seems obvious that a toothache will result in a noticeable pain, however, as mentioned above; many people tend to ignore the signs and hope for a miracle recovery. If you are presenting with the following symptoms, you can be certain that professional advice will be needed...

  • Swelling and redness around the tooth
  • Consistent sharp, throbbing pain
  • Pain when applying pressure to your teeth, during chewing for instance
  • Consistent fever or headache
  • Sensitivity to temperature extremes

The two most common causes of a toothache are dental cavities and gum disease. Your course of treatment for a toothache will depend entirely on the source of the pain. Only a trained professional can advise you on the best possible treatment for your specific situation.

What Will My Dentist Do?

Your dentist will examine your mouth in order to determine the root of your oral problems. An All-on-Four dental implants specialist in Chicago says that your dentist will ask you questions during your visit related to your pain, its evolution, how severe it is and where it is located in order to establish its severity and cause. Your dentist will examine not only your mouth, but your throat, sinuses, ears, nose and neck as all of these parts may be affected by your toothache. After a thorough examination your dentist will be able to advise and assist you with the best course of treatment for your case.

How Can I Avoid a Toothache?

New Teeth Implant Chicago - New Teeth Chicago

The best way to protect your teeth is by following a consistent and good oral hygiene routine, aided by regular visits to your local dentist for a general check-up. Remember, maintaining a nutritional and healthy diet will also aid in protecting and strengthening your teeth.

A Final Word

The next time you experience a toothache, don’t wait for the pain to worsen! Your teeth are telling you something. Go to see your dentist before it progresses to an unbearable an unfixable state.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

All On Four Dentures Specialists in Chicago: Habits to Adopt and Habits to Avoid

In this article we look at plaque, how it is formed and why it is a danger to your oral health. Furthermore we consider the good and bad habits related to fighting plaque.

Most of us are very much aware of the fact that plaque is no friend to your teeth. From the advertisements and the packaging on your toothpaste tube to advice from your dentist: we all know that fighting plaque is an essential part of keeping your pearly whites in good condition. In this article, we will be looking at a few habits you should definitely avoid in order to fight the good fight.

A dentist who specializes in All-on-Four Dentures in Chicago informs us that plaque build-up gradually hardens, forming tartar or calculus on your teeth. Once this has taken place, only a professional cleaning at a dentist can get rid of it. Why is this build-up bad? Quite simply put... it causes gum disease, which leads to tooth-loss among other oral ailments.

All On Four Dentures Chicago

Habits That Helps the Fight against Plaque Build-Up

  • Have you brushed your teeth? Not brushing regularly is a sure way to allow plaque to build up. You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, every day! Maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene is essential in protecting your teeth from plaque and decay.

  • It’s all about the floss: Your mouth is filled with pockets, nooks and crannies that are hard to reach by brushing alone; flossing gets into those tiny spaces and removes food debris and plaque at the gum line. Plaque below the gum line can lead to serious oral inflictions such as periodontal (gum) disease.

  • Rinse: Antibacterial rinses help reduce plaque and the risk of gingivitis, not to mention leaving your mouth feeling fresh and healthy. Opting for a fluoride rinse has proven to prevent decay and should be a consistent addition to your brushing and flossing daily oral hygiene routine.

  • Visit your local dentist: Dentists are not nearly as scary as the variety of oral ailments you could be harboring by avoiding your next check-up! The proof is in the scientific studies, which show that people who neglect to go for regular check-ups are far more prone to cavities and tooth loss. You should go to your dentist at least twice per year.

  • Nature’s way: Many properties found in natural, healthy fruits and vegetables are nature’s way of helping your body in the fight against plaque. Crunchy fruits and vegetables literally scrub your teeth, while providing essential vitamins and minerals, strengthening and protecting your dental enamel.

Implant Dentist Chicago

  • Restrain your sweet tooth: Bacteria thrive on high-sugar foods and produce acidic wastes, which ruin your teeth. All high-sugar foods and drinks contribute to plaque formation and build-up. Try to lessen your sugar intake as much as possible.

A Final Few Words

An implant dentist in Chicago informs us that keeping your teeth free from plaque is not a difficult task, but consistency in your daily oral habits and diet choices will be the most important step in ensuring that your teeth are healthy and as plaque-free as possible. You can start fighting plaque from home by following the simple advice above, and by visiting your dentist regularly you can ensure that your pearly whites remain healthy, happy and beautiful!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Teeth Implants Specialists in Chicago Talk about Nutrition and Teeth

In this article, we will be exploring the various do’s and don’ts when it comes to diet and oral health. We focus specifically on foods that aid in your oral health as well as foods that are harmful to it.

When it comes to looking after your teeth, a daily oral hygiene routine and regular visits to your dentist for check-ups and professional cleanings are essential, but on top of this the food you eat and oral habits you entertain will go a long way in determining the state of your oral health. In this article we will be considering the relationship between nutrition and oral health, and along the way we’ll be touching on a few dental habits it is best to avoid.

A dentist specializing in the placement of teeth implants in Chicago tells us that one of the worst things for teeth is acid, which is found in many foods and beverages and is also produced by oral bacteria as waste. This is why foods that neutralise acid are a particularly good addition to your diet, as it helps to maintain the health of your pearly whites. We will also be looking at foods that stimulate saliva production and that contain lots of minerals and vitamins, which help to repair tooth enamel.

The Goodies: Foods and Drinks that Benefit your Oral Health

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  • Fruits and veggies that are high in fiber: These foods have a cleaning effect as they literally scrub your teeth during eating. More importantly, they help to stimulate saliva, which plays a vitally important role in protecting your mouth. It neutralizes tooth-damaging acids, keeps your mouth full of moisture and contains calcium and phosphates that help rebuild important minerals.

  • H2O: Water, being the primary component of saliva is indispensable to oral health. It will help greatly in maintaining your tooth and gum health. Simply using water as a rinse (fluoridated water = even better), will prevent tooth decay and go a long way to strengthening your tooth enamel.

  • Nuts: Nuts are filled with all sorts of vitamins and minerals that are friends to your teeth. Almonds, peanuts, cashews and walnuts for instance contain calcium, vitamin-D fiber, magnesium and so on. These properties protect both teeth and gums and stimulate saliva, which will in turn help clean your mouth!

  • Dairy: Enjoying dairy without added sugar helps teeth in a variety of ways. Cheeses aid in stimulating saliva, while the calcium helps replace lost minerals in your enamel.

  • Foods high in vitamins A, C and D, as well as calcium and phosphates, are always a good addition to your regular diet as they do wonders for your teeth. This list can include beef, fish, eggs, spinach, potatoes, beans and whole grains.

The Baddies: Foods and Drinks that Harm Your Teeth

Teeth In A Day Chicago

  • Carbonated beverages: Soft-drinks are on top of the list when considering what to avoid; not only when it comes to oral health but general health as well. Most carbonated drinks are packed full of sugar, and the sugar-free drinks contain other tooth-eroding properties such as phosphoric and citric acid.

  • Dried fruits: What? Yes, these little pocket sized, road friendly, often considered ‘healthy’ snacks are in fact really bad for your teeth! Fruits are naturally high in sugar. And when they are dried and these sugars become concentrated, their gummy texture causes them to cling to your teeth and get stuck in pockets that are hard to reach. Dried fruits are also filled with non-soluble cellulose fiber, which ends up trapping sugars between your teeth.

  • Dry-mouth causing habits: This can be related to alcohol intake, smoking, medication side-effects and the list can go on... bottom-line, dry mouth poses a real danger to your teeth and gums. Take cognizance in keeping your mouth hydrated.

Our teeth are vital to us, not only in the function they serve but also in the confidence that comes with having a beautiful smile. Millions of Americans are facing edentulism and are in need of oral reconstruction. Luckily, modern dentistry offers patients the ability to get new teeth in a day in Chicago, but Chicago dentists advise that nothing can rival your own biological tools!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

All On Four Dentures Specialists in Chicago Provide Advice on Bad Dental Habits

In this article, we will be looking at five bad dental habits, including excessive brushing, chewing on objects and nail biting. Additionally, we explain why these habits are bad for your teeth and for your overall oral health.

Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is an essential part of taking care of your teeth, and your teeth mean much more to you than you might appreciate on a daily basis. In addition to having a beautiful smile, which goes hand in hand with a good level of confidence, maintaining strong and healthy teeth is a vitally important aspect of your overall general health. Unfortunately, many people entertain habits that are terrible for your teeth and before they know it, they require the help of a dental expert for complex and invasive surgery to fix the damage done. All-on-Four dentures specialists in Chicago give some advice about the bad dental habits to avoid!

Bad Habit # 1: Teeth Tool Work

All On Four Dentures Chicago

Using your teeth as a multi-purpose tool is definitely not a kosher dental habit. However, this is something you might encounter every day! People use their teeth to open all sorts of things from bottles to chip bags. This is not the function intended for your teeth and can cause soft and hard tissue trauma in your mouth, such as chipping or even breaking your teeth. Using your teeth as tools can also cause poor jaw alignment, an uneven bite and the hastened wearing down of your teeth. Rather, take the time to find the right tool for the right reason.

Bad Habit # 2: Ice, Ice Baby... Don’t Do It!

You’ve definitely either done this or seen it done: some people habitually chew on ice. A Chicago dental implant specialist informs that the icy temperature and solid texture of ice can cause your teeth to fracture. You could also accidently crack off part of the enamel on a tooth or filling, and this in turn could potentially get you in the dentist’s chair for a root canal.

Bad Habit #3: Nail Biting Stuff

Chicago Dental Implant - New Teeth Chicago

This one is a double whammy: not only is nail biting bad for your nails but it is also very bad for your teeth. Aside from the fact that it can lead to chipped or broken teeth, your nails are carriers for germs and bacteria that can make an easy transition into your mouth and cause gum infections or cavities.

Bad Habit # 4: The Daily Grind

Chronic grinding of your teeth, a condition medically referred to as bruxism, can cause a host of dental problems, such as chipping, fracturing, loosening of teeth and even tooth loss. It can also lead to other ailments, including as severe toothache, headaches and sore jaw joints. This condition commonly occurs while one is asleep; however a simple solution is to obtain a mouth guard to protect your teeth.

Bad Habit # 5: I’ll have a Glass of Red

We’ve probably all seen a mouth stained with red wine: the lips, the tongue and the teeth bathed in an unflattering red shade. However, red wine is actually better for your teeth than white wine. White wine has a higher acidity content and thus causes more permanent problems to your teeth. This acidity wears away at tooth enamel leaving your teeth vulnerable to other stains. To protect your teeth, rinse your mouth with water after you drink and follow a good oral hygiene routine.


This article has informed you of the things you should not do, but as with so much in life, the things you should do are as important as the ones you shouldn’t. So do yourself a favor: look after your teeth, brush, floss and rinse daily and go to your local dentist for regular check-ups!